Tuesday, 21 August 2012


Double updates until I reach the DA updates. u_u

"Why I didn't give up to the urge to make Bram & Vlad Teen."
B: Stop looking at me like you would squeeze my pimples.
V: Stop looking at me like you would pull out my piercing ornaments.

Twilight Sindrome (5)

Yeah, I know that I'm being very lax here. Sorry. x_x

V: Sorry, the "little favor" against that Meyer woman failed.
V: She spread so many wrongness about vampires that my dad made her employee of the month.
V: I gues you will have to find a way to cease to be human. I can help you with that.
B: Don't worry, Vlad. I already have something in mind. Behold "The Geek Handbook".
B: With lots of theory and practice.
B: ...Should I choose a classical geek style or a modern one?
V: Whatever. Just get rid of this handkerchief.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Twilight Sindrome (4)


Bram was not the first to ask him this.

B: I'm done with this being-a-drunken-wimp thing, Vlad. We need some attitude to deal with this twiligjt frenzy.]B: How much would you charge me to bring Stephenie Meyer's head in a silver tray?
V: Come on, Bram, what kind of sick picture of me you have in your mind?
V: I would never charge a friend to do a small favor like that.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Twilight Sindrome (3)

Sorry, my old netbook died and I neglected much of my blogs. :( But back to the schedule. o/

Passion Fruit Fanta also have this effects. And yes, there IS a Passion Fruit Fanta.

B: ...Then, she said that I'm human and boring, so, I decided to get drunk, like a normal human.
V: Bram, you're drinking lactose-free milk.
B: I know.
B: But I'll get serious now! Waiter! Bring me a full glass of Coke Blak!

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Twilight Sindrome (2)

I'm still alive. I think. xD

B: Come on, Lucy, give me a chance!
L: Why? You don't drink blood, neither even howl to the moon. You are just a boring human boy, like Mike Newton.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Twilight Sindrome (1)

Yep. Twilight jokes. Don't say to me that you didn't see that coming. :P

Vlad just doesn't want to look like a chilli pepper.

F: Whisper, whisper. Hihi. Whisper...
F: Whisper, whisper. Hihi. Whisper. Whisper, whisper. Hihi. Whisper. Hihihi.
V: Lucy!
L: Hmmm?
V: Tell your friends...
V: I avoid the sun because I have a sensitive pale skin.
F: Aaaaaaaw.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Metalinguistics (8)

...Yeah, I used to draw them in my college classes. I'm a Chemistry major. Yup. College was as hard as it sounds, but very fun too. (And the other 7 metalinguistiscs were in Year One. I didn't translated them because they were mostly in-jokes.)

HPLC is boooooooooooooring.

V: Weird, why does Adriana draw these strips only during her classes.
B: I don't know. And what is high performance liquid cromatography?
V: ...OK, I got it.

Year 2 - Yay!

Well, I finished the drawings of the most important strips of Year One. Now, I'm going to just translate the next years (Brazilian blog features Year Five). The art is somewhat clumsy, but it's good enough to not embarass me (very much).

Ok, let's go!

(The ladybug is Mushi-san's trademark. The boys were published in his site in Year Two.)

Friday, 8 June 2012

55 - Weird Accent

And here we finish the Year One! From now on, I will simply translate the strips. The quality will drop a little, because I redrew Year One just now, and Year Two is three years old. I hope you enjoy. :)

He is Romenian, after all.

Q: Haha, you have such a weird accent, Vlad!
V: I wonder if you can speak better than me without some of your teeth.
Q: I've just noticed that you have no sense of humour.
V: Clever boy.

Friday, 20 April 2012

49 - Surrealism

I just translated that strip because I like it. Sue me.

B: Pew! Pew! Pew!
B: Pew! Pew!
D: Quack! Quack! Quack!
D: Thump!

Monday, 9 April 2012

46 - Whoops

I finished today the raw drawings of Year One Reloaded! :D Soon, I will start translating Year Two! /o/

A: Nothing compares to the most delicious swiss ice cream. It's really fantastic. And the flavour... Whoops. O forgot that, as you were born a vampire, you'll never know how delightful ice cream is.
V: Whoops.

Monday, 2 April 2012

43 - Football match

Yeah, the title is wrong in the comic. Yeah, I will correct it. Eventually. Be patient, please. xD

Artie Holmwood doesn't like vampires. His family has a great aversion to them, and it's difficult to blame them for this. The original Arthur Holmwood's life was badly screwed by Count Dracula. Too bad Vlad doesn't care.

A: I refuse to play football with a complete monster like you, Dracula.
V: Oh, yeah?
Maybe you would like to play football with angels, in heaven, instead?
A: Err.... Yeah, I guess.
V: Then, sey "hello" to Saint Peter for me, when you get to the gates.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

42 - Fanfic

In the 42th strip, I just had to pay a homage to Dracula (the book). After all, this book is the reason this strip exists, so, it's the answer to life, universe and everything. :)

Johnny just appears in Year Two, but you will se Artie veeery soon. xD And British friends, I'm not good enough in English to write comics with a pureblood British English. Correct me if that's the case. ^^

[If you didn't get what is the social awkward situation, remember that Vlad is the grandson of Count Dracula. And research about the other names. ;)]

B: Would you like to play football with us, Vlad? Lucy, Quincy, Johnny and Artie are coming to play and we need a goalkeeper.
V: Let me get this straight: the team is Van Helsing, Harker, Harker, Seward and Holmwood? And you want me to join in?
B: Yeah, why?
V: Nothing. I'm just not prepared to this kind of social awkward situations.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

38 - Polite people

In case you are wondering, this "Harker" is Quincey Harker, Lucy's brother. See his description in the tab "Characters" above. ^

V: Harker, bring me that thing.
Q: You forgot the magical woooords.
V: Harker, bring me that thing. Or else, I'm going to kill you.
Q: See how many things you accomplish when you are polite?

Saturday, 4 February 2012

34 - Cyanide and Happiness

I forgot to add this strip before the xkcd homage. XP I did this because I wanted to know how the boys would look as C&H figures. (I did this entirely in Paint Brush, using just a mouse and the keyboard. Note the comic sans for extra lulz. :B)

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

35 - xkcd

A little homage to Mr. Munroe. <3

Sorry for the distortions, it was a very small drawing.

B: Heavens! We are paying a homage to xkcd! Quick, say something clever and funny!
V: Me.
V: ...What?

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

32 - The Truth

Bram wants to know if literature is a good guide to vampires. Well...

*André Vianco is a famous writer in Brazil and he had written many books about vampires.

B: Vlad, which writer had the better approach to how vampires are? Bram Stoker? Anne Rice? Del Toro? André Vianco?
V: No one. My dad doesn't pay wirters to say the truth about vampires.
B: OK.
B: Wait, what?
V: ave you never heard about "world domination through positive marketing"?

Thursday, 12 January 2012

27 - Bad luck day

The strips between the last one and that are just random jokes that I won't redraw in the near future. I choose that because I love how Lucy lost her temper with Vlad and he liked it. And  that is one of the few strips in which Vlad's eyes are totally open.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Long holidays

Yep, this was a long hiatus. Last year - at least its second semester - was tough and I had many things to do. Now, I finally settled down and can draw again.

I'm thorn between drawing the strips in the proper order or redraw year one while translating year two. Translating is way easier and, if it wasn't year one issues, I could have finished year two by now.

It doesn't matter, I'm on again. A new strip is almost done and will be posted very soon (maybe today, maybe tomorrow) and the e-mail was reactivated. (So, if you tried to contact us and had no response, please, try again and I WILL answer.)
