Wednesday, 31 August 2011

18 - Strategy

Hi, everyone!

Sorry for the delay, but July and August were very busy months. Many things happened in a row and I had one or to projects to finish. Besides, in August, Bram and Vlad came to Brazil to pay me a visit. :D Today, we have a strip and the photos of this visit. :D Enjoy!

And the photos! The guys came here to go to a SF&F Symposium, called Fantasticon. It happened in Sao Paulo, in August, 12-14.

I met them at the Tancredo Neves International Airport (a.k.a. Confins Airport), in Belo Horizonte.

"Hum, where are the monkeys, the parrots and the Indians?"
"Vlad, we are going to Sao Paulo, not to Amazonic Forest."

"Welcome, my dears!"

Bram, Vlad and Ana Carolina, a great friend of mine.

Then, we took a flight to Sao Paulo, to watch the symposium opening. Bram loved it. Vlad... Well... He's always a little grumpy when thirsty.

"Hum... It was an intersting lecture."
"You are so nerd, Van Helsing, that it makes me sick."

The night was young, so, we went to a karaoke with some friends. It was great! And I destroyed

"♪ We don't need no education... We don't need no tough control... ♫"

Bram slept in God's arms this night. Vlad prefered Stitch, who is chaotic good too.

In the second day, we saw the Alternative History lecture. See the two in the right? They were in karaoke with us. Don't ask me how they got up early and said coherent things to the public.

"I don't like Rome very much. The Turk invasions are much better."
"Yeah, Vlad, ok. Just be quiet now, please."

And after Fantasticon? BAR!

"Please, Bram, at least PRETEND you drink something manly."
"But... But... It's guarana! Cheap guarana! Authentic Brazilian guarana!"

On Sunday, we went to Liberdade, the Japanese district in Sao Paulo. Bram loves Japanese food. He ate even my gohan, when I couldn't finish it.

"What are you staring at? I can ate with hachi better then you."

A little souvenir from Liberdade.

And in the afternoof, one last lecture, this time with the Brazilian Fantasy bestsellers: André Vianco, Luis Eduardo Matta, Raphael Draccon and Eduardo Spohr. Vianco is famous for his vampiric fiction, so, Bram and Vlad watched him with great interest.

"I've heard his vampires have unique powers, like X-Men. Thankfully, no one of them is Emma Frost."

Going home was sad, but necessary. But I'm not worried, they return to Brazil in November for the FIQ, the International Comics Festival, in Belo Horizonte! :D

"Do we really have to return to England?"

V: "Heeeeey!"
L: "Whaaaaat?"
V: "Why are you sleeping with me?"
L: "My mother said that she convinced my father to marry her sleeping with him."
L: "But I guess I'm missing something."
V: "I won't tell you what it is..."

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Be careful, Vlad is watching you.