Tuesday, 31 January 2012

35 - xkcd

A little homage to Mr. Munroe. <3

Sorry for the distortions, it was a very small drawing.

B: Heavens! We are paying a homage to xkcd! Quick, say something clever and funny!
V: Me.
V: ...What?

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

32 - The Truth

Bram wants to know if literature is a good guide to vampires. Well...

*André Vianco is a famous writer in Brazil and he had written many books about vampires.

B: Vlad, which writer had the better approach to how vampires are? Bram Stoker? Anne Rice? Del Toro? André Vianco?
V: No one. My dad doesn't pay wirters to say the truth about vampires.
B: OK.
B: Wait, what?
V: ave you never heard about "world domination through positive marketing"?

Thursday, 12 January 2012

27 - Bad luck day

The strips between the last one and that are just random jokes that I won't redraw in the near future. I choose that because I love how Lucy lost her temper with Vlad and he liked it. And  that is one of the few strips in which Vlad's eyes are totally open.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Long holidays

Yep, this was a long hiatus. Last year - at least its second semester - was tough and I had many things to do. Now, I finally settled down and can draw again.

I'm thorn between drawing the strips in the proper order or redraw year one while translating year two. Translating is way easier and, if it wasn't year one issues, I could have finished year two by now.

It doesn't matter, I'm on again. A new strip is almost done and will be posted very soon (maybe today, maybe tomorrow) and the e-mail was reactivated. (So, if you tried to contact us and had no response, please, try again and I WILL answer.)
